This Blog is an attempt to diarise the interesting parts of my life with visual memories and a few words here and there...I'm only 'low-level' nerd so if there are hiccups on the page I'm sure you'll just overlook them :)

Sunday, February 20, 2005

My Belgium Trip - February 2005

Here we are at Waterloo station about to embark on our TEAM BELGIUM adventure! Posted by Hello

Claire studies the Holy Planet Bible whilst travelling on the Eurostar. Posted by Hello

Brussels - Rue De Royale, just a minute walk from our youth hostel. Posted by Hello

It was so cold the day we went to the flea market in Brussels thast I had to warm my hands at the roast chicken stall! Posted by Hello

Yippee it's Mr Wippee. No, no, just another waffle van. Posted by Hello

Some random church in Brussels. Just thought it might make a nice shot :) Posted by Hello

Walking down to the Place de Palais, Brussels. Posted by Hello

The Grand Place, Brussels. This digi-shot does little justice to the Grandness of this place. Seriously. Posted by Hello

Check out these cute pooches in matching red coats! Whatever happened to canines rights of individuality? Posted by Hello

We spent the afternoon searching for one of Belgiums main tourist attractions. Lucky we had our eyes peeled or we might have missed it. The Mannekin Pis is so tiny! Posted by Hello

These Europeans take their dogs EVERYWHERE! I guess it's hard to find a pair of jeans without your most common accessories to check if it all goes. Posted by Hello

Yes, we spent Valentines Day in Brussels...what better place to be in the world but a city of handmade chocolate and fresh cut flowers? Posted by Hello

There's no waffling in this waffle company's advertising. Love the slogan! Posted by Hello

Voila! Welcome to Ghent. Posted by Hello

Restaurants and pubs are to be found all along the canals. Ghent. Posted by Hello

Knight vs. Adidas. It appears shell toe shoes were fashionable centuries ago. Posted by Hello

Gravenstein Castle. Very cool place to visit if you are interested in seeing a range of torture implements as well as a guillotine! The view from the top of the castle is breathtaking. Posted by Hello

I was tempted to post a letter into this ancient thing just to see if it got anywhere.How cool though! Antiquated postboxes are common place in Belgium. Posted by Hello

I thought I'd caught a seedy old man walking into a strip joint...alas the only strips he'll be eyeing are comic. Posted by Hello

It's definately time for a cappucino. Found a cute little place for a bit of 'time out'. Posted by Hello

If you want the biggest Spare Ribs dish in the world go to Grand Kafee du Passage, a hotel/hostel in Brugges.Very tasty! Posted by Hello

Brugges is where the TinTin comics were created. We visited the awesome (yet somewhat pricey) comic-book store. Bought some funky postcards and book marks. Posted by Hello

"I know a quick way down these stairs!" screams Lauren. Posted by Hello

View of Brugges main square from the Belfry. Posted by Hello

Entering a Convent in Brugges. Posted by Hello