This Blog is an attempt to diarise the interesting parts of my life with visual memories and a few words here and there...I'm only 'low-level' nerd so if there are hiccups on the page I'm sure you'll just overlook them :)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Stockholm Getaway

Welcome to Sweden! Land of Pippilongstocking and the ever infamous IKEA phenomena.

Here are a few snapshots of my adventures in Stockholm with buddies Matt and Keely (formerly of Greco fame). Posted by Picasa

Firmly anchored into the frozen lake, many of the boats along this stretch serve as restaurants and hotels. We stayed in one called the Rygerfjord! It didn't quite feel like a boat because there was no rocking...but it was still a pretty awesome experience. Posted by Picasa

Our first evening in Stockholm. We walk through part of Gamla Stan (the old city) just in time to see the striking sunset...What a welcome! Posted by Picasa

Ahh, Stockholm..the hot dog state. The real reason we all go to IKEA...for those tasty little buns at the end. I swear, what this country lacks in pubs it makes up for in cheap, processed snacks. There were 2 of these on every corner. And boy were we loving it!  Posted by Picasa

Matt and I show off our gorgeous Swedish hat hair. What can I say - there are some of us who can just pull this look off... Posted by Picasa

Things over here appear to be way more relaxed than in London.  Posted by Picasa

I know the Swedish have a strong accent, but this is ridiculous. A bizarre chocolate 'kancowroo' dessert for your eating pleasure. Posted by Picasa

How convenient (if you want a chilly willy). Posted by Picasa

Mr Plough, Mr Plough that name again is Mr Plough. Posted by Picasa

Yep...this is it - it's the reason we came. It was our calling. Project Snowman. We got so caught up in the spontaneity of the moment that we failed to recognise how pathetic he actually looks. Oh well. I could just say it wasn't a very good shot, he's clearly been caught completely off guard and without a carrot. Posted by Picasa

A proud moment for very first snow angel. Who would have thought it - Gils really is an angel! I have a fantastic video of me making it if anyones interested. So cute! Posted by Picasa

Snow boot sisters take some time out to chill (literally) on a nice cold park bench. It's still lovely enough to sport the sunnies though :) Posted by Picasa

Snow snow snow your boat gently down the stream...this boat aint going nowhere! Posted by Picasa

The three of us on the 'haemorrhoid' bench. Posted by Picasa

Another absolutley magnificent Stockholm sunset...It was as if the sky had been tie-dyed. Posted by Picasa

'DRUNKEN AIRPORT SHENNANIGANS' proudly brought to you by Ryan Air

We rushed madly to get to the departure gates on time clutching passports and stuffed animals only to find out our flight from Skavsta to London had been delayed due to 'technical difficulties'.

Before we met the Skavsta crew (other stranded travellers from oz and england) we enjoyed a 'get to know you' session with our furry friends. These guys sure know how to party!

About an hour into the delay (that's 3 pints, 3 jagermeisters and 3 martinis later) we were accosted by a spritely young lass named Kasey (Aussie Aussie Aussie) who had noticed our frequent bar visits and lured us back to her table where we met Leighton (crazy photographer guy) and Chris (essex boy maths whiz). And that's when it all started to get very interesting...Posted by Picasa

Chris, Kasey and I return to the bar to secretly discuss 'the delay'. One of the rules in our game of 'Kings' was that we were not permitted to talk about the rescheduling of the flight or make any reference to how long we have been waiting at the airport because of the delay. But it's gotta come up sometime, I mean heck, we were waiting for 7 hours!Posted by Picasa

Aww best of mates! You'd never tell we'd only met these randoms just hours before. We're all just so comfortable together, I mean just look where Keely's got her hand! (from left - matt, leighton, kasey, chris, keely and me) Posted by Picasa

This guy has gotto be the most photographed man in the world - even with his pants on!  Posted by Picasa