This Blog is an attempt to diarise the interesting parts of my life with visual memories and a few words here and there...I'm only 'low-level' nerd so if there are hiccups on the page I'm sure you'll just overlook them :)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Picnic At The Prime Meridian Of The World!

Now living in London I could hardly pass up the chance to enjoy an afternoon at the centre of the earth. I mean, when you are that close to the imaginary line that divides the world into east and west, it's clearly time for a picnic! Unfortunately, (but not unusual for London) the weather wasn't at it's loveliest, infact it was a pretty grey day to be cruising down the Thames. Despite this minor setback we made the most of it, as I hope these happy snaps will convey.

Ahoy! Our city cruise ship is here...and about bloody time, it is freeeezing. Posted by Hello

Seeings as it was going to be too cold and ugly to have our picnic at Greenwich Park, we got stuck right into it on the way over there. All style! Posted by Hello

We finally arrive at Greenwich Pier (just incase you couldn't read the sign!) Posted by Hello

The Cutty Sark - an historical vessel of international importance! She was the last of the Tea Clippers. You Old boaties (e.g.Colin) should know about it, I still can't figure out why it's so famous! Posted by Hello

A shop trying to be funny. Posted by Hello

Fancy being a guy and having to drive this icecream van around all day. TeeHee :) Lucky no one was in the mood for icecream as we'd devoured our boat picnic already and the weather wasn't really on Mr Softy's side either. Posted by Hello

We had to trudge up a really steep path to get to the Royal Observatory. The view over the park was pretty nice though. I think the buildings in the background are part of the maritime museum, although I would have to check with local historian Charlie to be sure! Posted by Hello

The 'crew' from left to right: Lauren, Claire, Laurie and Charlie. Posted by Hello

I think the main reason I came on this outing, braved the high seas, endured the horrific weather conditions and battled uphill was just so I could have this photograph taken of me! Look Mum, Look Dad - I'm standing on either side of the Prime Meridian at the same time! Posted by Hello