This Blog is an attempt to diarise the interesting parts of my life with visual memories and a few words here and there...I'm only 'low-level' nerd so if there are hiccups on the page I'm sure you'll just overlook them :)

Monday, April 11, 2005

Red Bull Art of Can Exhibition - Brick Lane, London.

Over the weekend my mate Annie and I made our way down to The Old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane to catch a glimpse of the most exciting, innovative and FREE exhibition London has on offer. Ever since arriving in London I've been fascinated by the promotion of this exhibition, the posters slapped up at every tube station, bus stop and street corner. Basically what it was was a grand competiton in which the artist had to sink countless cans of Red Bull and then amidst the buzz and high of caffeine and sugar create a sculpture using the empty cans. Anyone and everyone from primary school students to geriatrics had been encouraged to enter. The amount of applications were are some shots for you all to peruse.Posted by Hello


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