This Blog is an attempt to diarise the interesting parts of my life with visual memories and a few words here and there...I'm only 'low-level' nerd so if there are hiccups on the page I'm sure you'll just overlook them :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Sunday Session Lives On!

The following account of the events on Sunday 17th March has been made with one clear purpose in mind. This being to disprove a popular belief about life in London. The photographic evidence laid out before your very eyes will, no doubt, clarify any misunderstandings or preconceptions you may have previously held.

The SUN DOES SHINE in London!

Yes, it is true.

I have experienced it.

I was there.

This is my story.

It's Sunday, and I wait outside the entrance to Hampstead Tube Station for fellow Perth turned Londoner mates Tess & Pete. They are 20 minutes late! Normally this would piss me off, but no, not today. Today is different. Today the sun shines. Posted by Hello

The sheer excitement of the gorgeous summer day is too much to contain! Pete and I stare at eachother in disbelief as our skin tingles in the luscious sun. My God - it must be at least 17degrees! Posted by Hello

In between pubs we take a wander (stumble) around 'The Heath' - a big grassy green hilly area that offers a great view of London City. The weather has had such an bizarre effect on the Londoners, they're actually out and about flying kites and generally being all nice and smily. Posted by Hello

In fear of over exposing our delicate (pasty english) skin to the suns harsh rays, we opt for a seat indoors. Here we carry on our Sunday session inside 'The Bull and Last', a traditional pommie pub with pistachios and poppies to boot! Posted by Hello

See, it's even so sunny inside that Bron can't keep her eyes open! Posted by Hello

One of my less perfect camera shots..c'mon, we've been drinking all day! Naagh,this is actually one of those intentional creative perspective shots that enable the viewer to experience the intoxication of gilli by about 700pm that evening! I swear that's exactly what I was seeing! Posted by Hello

So, there you have it. A glimpse of the unexpected.

It's weird how much the climate controls moods. Over here, most of the people reflect the environment - grey, dreary and dull. Sorry to offend (although those that know me know I am not really sorry), but this is my observation. However, the most magnificent transformation occurs the very second the sun pokes it's head from behind a cloud. The sky lights up with warmth and so do the faces of the city. If only for a snippet here and there, it is worth the wait. People take their dogs out, their children even, and fly kites, whistle and picnic. They smile and say hello, and even apologise for bumping into you. They prefer to take a slow bus and soak up the scenery, than to disappear into the underground.

It's like another place, a decent one.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Red Bull Art of Can Exhibition - Brick Lane, London.

Over the weekend my mate Annie and I made our way down to The Old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane to catch a glimpse of the most exciting, innovative and FREE exhibition London has on offer. Ever since arriving in London I've been fascinated by the promotion of this exhibition, the posters slapped up at every tube station, bus stop and street corner. Basically what it was was a grand competiton in which the artist had to sink countless cans of Red Bull and then amidst the buzz and high of caffeine and sugar create a sculpture using the empty cans. Anyone and everyone from primary school students to geriatrics had been encouraged to enter. The amount of applications were are some shots for you all to peruse.Posted by Hello

Well we have made it in the nick of's the last day of the exhibition. Posted by Hello

Me and Annie wait anxiously in the queue, our thirst for the exhibition partially quenched by countless free cans of Red Bull. Posted by Hello

Red Bull Blair...Red Bull Gives You Bullshit? Posted by Hello

Red Bull Rooster...Red Bull Gives You Cock? Posted by Hello

Red Bull Can Can...Red Bull Gives You Vegas? Posted by Hello

Red Bull Pigeons....Red Bull Gives You Rats With Wings? Posted by Hello

Red Bull Dart Board...Red Bull Gives You Aim? Posted by Hello

Red Bull Sneaker...Red Bull Gives You Laces? Posted by Hello

Red Bull Owl...Red Bull Keeps You Awake All Night? Posted by Hello

Red Bull really does give you wings! Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sunday Night in Soho

Tonight I caught up with Aston and Julie in Soho. We met outside the most famous jazz bar in London, 'Ronnie Scott's'. Frith Street, W1. Posted by Hello

Here we all are! Jackie, Julian, Aston, Julie and of course me...enjoying a drink and live music at the very atmospheric Ronnie Scotts jazz club. Posted by Hello

The lowdown for the evening! Posted by Hello

A very blurry Dom Brown (formerly of Duran Duran fame) plays with his new band for the first time at Ronnie Scotts. Pretty funky tunes, but quite Jeff Buckliesque in my opinion. Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Holiday in Scotland! I am finally back home but check out some of these Scottish snapshots!

Taking a stroll down the Royal Mile, Edinburgh. Posted by Hello

Where ever I may roam, I'm never far from home. Perth Ahhh, what a lovely road sign...:) The funny thing is our tour guide said that of all the UK cities, Perth was voted to have the friendliest people and the highest living standards...just like back home in Oz! Posted by Hello

Our crazy tour guide Claire made us see how many we could fit into a red phone booth...we made 9! There were some sheep onloookers in a nearby paddock, they seemed bemused at our attempts.Posted by Hello

Just taking a rest on natures park bench. Hiked up a verrry steep hill to get here, but boy was it worth it! (The Storre, Scotland) Posted by Hello

Fresh prawns from The Isle of Skye. Yummo. They were caught 40 mins before this photo by a bonnie fisherman in yellow wellies! Posted by Hello